Search Results
Hatch D2 - Ultrasound-Accelerated Thrombolysis for Pulmonary Embolism - Dr. Gregory Piazza
Clot Chronicles with Dr. Piazza
Catheter directed thrombolysis of pulmonary embolism in haemodynamic unstable patient
EKOS+ Endovascular System: How it Works
EKOS lysis Christopher Harnain Session III Pulmonary embolism and IVC filter
SCAI Joint Session EKOS Thrombolysis for Pulmonary Embolism Thach Nguyen
Zhen Xu - Noninvasive thrombolysis using microtripsy in a porcine deep vein thrombosis model (2016)
TEDNETS - Medical Management of Pulmonary Embolism by Dr Wissam Jaber -Sep 29th, 2015
Debate: Submassive PE should be Thrombolysed: Anand Swaminathan and Iain Beardsell
Stroke sonothrombolysis TCD + microbubbles + tPA
Irene Lang | Balloon Angioplasty for Pulmonary Thrombosis
EKOS Catheter Treatment for EJGH